Who We Are
Volunteer (Admin Team)
Volunteering her time, connections, and resources is one of her biggest passions.
Board Member
The call on my heart is to share the good news with those who desperately need a word of hope
Board Member ( Vice Chair, Admin Lead & Fundraising Teams)
I truly believe that while we may not be able to help everyone, together, as a community, we can uplift and support one another
Now I use my influence to further the Kingdom of God and help other men with life
Board Member ( Fundraising Team)
I know not everyone is as fortunate as I have been, so I like to help where I can
Volunteer (Admin & Fundraising Teams)
I believe in people working together to build bridges and become stronger through good relationships.
Board Member ( Admin & Fundraising Teams)
I have a passion for this work!!
After college, she joined AmeriCorps VISTA to work on urban hunger and community garden programs. She then began writing grants for a regional foodbank system.
Board Member ( Director)
.....called to serve.....
I love helping people!